Unveiling a Hidden Trick to Gain Extra Health in Mortal Kombat 1

Xbox Series S Games

Unveiling a Hidden Trick to Gain Extra Health in Mortal Kombat 1

Mortal Kombat 1, the highly anticipated fighting game, has recently revealed a hidden trick that can give players an edge by granting them extra health. This secret feature, shared by Stephanie Brownback, NetherRealm Studios’ lead QA analyst, has sparked online debate and it can impact what characters players select. So, it is easy to see why a lot of Xbox Series S games players would be happy to see how this trick works.

Xbox Series S Games – Unlocking the Health Boost

During a conversation on social media, the staff member responded to fans about fighter health values. In her tweet, she said that both the main kombatant and kameo fighter choices affect the player’s overall health.

Specifically, using “big meaty” roster characters like Shao and Jax can result in a huge boost to the health bar. However, we must note that size alone doesn’t mean you get the health bonus. It doesn’t apply to all characters who are large.

Early Access and Cross Play

Although Mortal Kombat 1 is in early access for pre-order customers, there’s one big feature it does not have yet. Cross-play is not available initially, but it will come in a future implementation.

Despite this, players can still enjoy online matches on their platform, and simply wait for the update to come later.

There is still quite some time before we can gauge real world performance of the game. However, the gameplay that is out right now via Early Access seems to be quite promising.

The Mystery of the 24th Character

While players eagerly explore the game’s character roster, there is one mystery that remains. The select character screen has an empty slot with a silhouette and a plus sign overlay.

So, fans are all trying to find out about the existence of a secret 24th character. Some believe it could be an unlockable character, while others say that it’s a placeholder for the Kombat Pack 1.

This pack will include both new and returning fighters in the game. A lot of players would want to get their hands on that as well. So, we would love to see who this player or feature turns out to be.

Xbox Series S Games – Summing Up

Mortal Kombat 1 surprises players with a hidden trick that allows them to increase their health. So, it is now an exciting new strategy for mastering the game.

With the insights provided by Stephanie Brownback, players can experiment with different character combinations to maximize their health potential. The game continues to evolve with early access and upcoming features like cross-play.

Therefore, the mystery of the 24th character adds an extra layer of anticipation for Mortal Kombat fans. So, if you are planning to get Xbox Series S games for fighting, then this title and Street Fighter 6 are your best options.

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