Call of Duty to Stay on PlayStation for 10 Years After Activision Deal

Online Xbox Series X Games

Call of Duty to Stay on PlayStation for 10 Years After Activision Deal

Sony and Microsoft have agreed to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation for 10 years after Xbox buys Activision. This means that players on both PlayStation and Xbox can enjoy the game with each other. The agreement was confirmed by Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer in a tweet. The deal ensures that Call of Duty will remain on both consoles. So, players on PlayStation and Xbox will also be able to enjoy one of the best online Xbox Series X games.

Online Xbox Series X Games – What is Cross-Platform Play?

Cross-platform play is when players on different gaming consoles can play the same game with each other. This is key for games that have large player bases, and Call of Duty is also one.

This system allows players to connect with friends on both console types, and this can enhance the experience a lot.

The Importance of Call of Duty

Call of Duty is one of the most popular video games of all time, and millions of people play it. The game is famous for its fast and intense gameplay. Also, its popularity has led to several spin-off games and even a movie.

The franchise has been available on PlayStation for many years. So, this agreement ensures that it will remain available on the platform for at least the next decade.

The Battle Between Sony and Microsoft

Sony had been concerned about the merger and the possibility of Microsoft controlling the franchise. The signing of the agreement between Sony and Microsoft indicates that the two companies have found common ground after the FTC’s loss in court to block the merger.

Microsoft has stated that it remains committed to cross-platform play, so it is likely that the game will continue to be available on multiple platforms.

What Does the Future Hold for Call of Duty?

With Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard, there may be changes to the franchise, but it is unclear what those changes may be. It is possible that Microsoft will use the franchise to promote its gaming platforms, such as the Xbox and PC.

However, the company has stated that it remains committed to cross-platform play, so it is likely that the game will continue to be available on multiple platforms.

Online Xbox Series X Games – Conclusion

The agreement between Sony and Microsoft to keep Call of Duty cross-platform is significant for the gaming industry. Cross-platform play is important for ensuring that players can connect with friends and enjoy the game to its fullest.

The signing of this agreement ensures that Call of Duty will remain available on PlayStation for the next ten years. So, you can also get the latest Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II right now. It is time for you to enjoy one of the best online Xbox Series X games too.

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