FIFA 23 Coins Xbox One – Top Camera Settings to Give the Best View

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FIFA 23 Coins Xbox One – Top Camera Settings to Give the Best View

If you started playing FIFA 23 already, you may have noticed that almost all stadiums have different camera perspectives. The only exception, for now, is the Weekend League, which uses the FUT Champions Stadium. This makes it possible for everyone to have the same perspective. Even at that, you can still improve the perspective to boost your performance and FIFA 23 coins Xbox One earnings. So, how do you go about it? Read on to find out!

Do you need to Improve Your Controller Settings?

Well, even if you have the best controller settings for your FIFA 23 game, it is still a good idea to improve it. The reason for this is simple. The camera settings make a significant impact on your performance and your ability to earn more FIFA 23 coins Xbox One.

The camera settings define how much and what you can see on the field. While the new GameCam introduced by EA looks great, it is not the best tool if you are playing alone. That means you need to find ways to improve your perspective by working on your camera settings.

Camera Settings: How to Use it to the Best Advantage and Earn more FIFA 23 Coins Xbox One

If you regularly watch live-streamed matches, you will notice that lots of content creators and professional players use funny camera settings. The camera settings would look weird if all you have ever used are the standard camera settings.

The truth is that if you want to improve your game, you must learn to tweak your camera settings just like the pros do. The goal of adjusting your settings is to give you a better overview. With good camera settings, you can see better, use shots more effectively, and play better passes.

Of course, improving in these areas will remarkably influence your performance and make a big difference in crucial moments on the pitch. They will also earn you more rewards, especially FIFA 23 coins Xbox One.

What are the Best Camera Settings?

#1: Tele Broadcast

This is the most well-known camera setting. It offers the best view of the pitch and you rarely have to use the radar when playing. So, how does it work? The camera settings work perfectly for both Single Player and Multiplayer Cameras. The camera settings are placed at custom and the height is at 20 while the zoom is at 0.

 #2: Co-op

This is quite similar to Tele Broadcast but a little on the extreme side. You need to adjust the camera individually, and the selection can give you a broad view of the pitch. You do not need to use the radar with this setting.

The Single Player Camera and Multiplayer Camera should be on Co-op. The camera settings should be custom, and the Camera Height and Zoom should be 20 and 0, respectively.


Using either of these camera settings can make a big difference in your game. It will improve your performance and increase your chances of earning more FIFA 23 coins Xbox One.

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