The Missed Opportunity of an Assassin’s Creed Kenway Trilogy

Xbox Series X Games Cheap

The Missed Opportunity of an Assassin’s Creed Kenway Trilogy

Assassin’s Creed fans wanted a trilogy about the Kenway family, but Ubisoft didn’t make it happen. Fans miss the time when they had one character or family in more than one game. The role that stands out is Ezio Auditore da Firenze, but the Kenway family is also key to the game. So, while fans can play old titles as Xbox Series X games cheap, what they really want is new games that cover this family well. However, we do not know if Ubisoft will make that happen, at least not anytime soon.

The Kenway Family: Almost as Popular as Ezio

In Assassin’s Creed III, we meet Connor Kenway, who fought against his Templar father, Haytham Kenway. Then Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag introduced Edward Kenway, Connor’s adventurous grandfather.

Fans really liked Edward, considering him one of the best characters in the series after Ezio. But sadly, the Kenway family disappeared from future games, only getting mentioned sometimes.

Xbox Series X Games Cheap – No Kenway Trilogy

After Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, fans were sad that the Kenway family didn’t get more attention. Assassin’s Creed Rogue had a different story with a character called Shay Patrick Cormac, who hunted assassins.

While Rogue was interesting, fans wanted to know more about Haytham Kenway. They thought it would be great to have a Kenway Trilogy like the Ezio Trilogy.

Fans Express Disappointment

Fans went on Reddit to talk about the missed opportunity of a Kenway Trilogy. One fan said that it would have made sense to have a game about Haytham since fans loved the Ezio Trilogy and enjoyed Connor and Edward.

Other fans agreed, saying Haytham’s character was interesting and there was a lot of potential for a great story.

The Future of Assassin’s Creed

Even though there are many upcoming Assassin’s Creed games, it’s unlikely that the Kenway family will come back.

Ubisoft seems more focused on new stories and characters instead of continuing the Kenway family’s story. The next game, Assassin’s Creed Mirage, is coming soon and promises to be exciting for players.

Xbox Series X Games Cheap – What Fans Can Expect

Fans of Assassin’s Creed really wanted a Kenway Trilogy but didn’t get it. The Kenway family made a big impact in the series, and fans wanted to see more. However, Ubisoft is moving in a different direction, focusing on new adventures.

Despite this, fans can still look forward to Assassin’s Creed Mirage and the exciting experiences it will bring. Of course, it is never a bad idea to hold out hope, and we will continue to do that. In the meanwhile, you can spend your time with other Xbox Series X games cheap like Hogwarts Legacy.

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